According to a recent study conducted by the logistics trade company MHI, the supply chain industry will need to fill approximately 1.4 million new job opportunities from now up to 2018. This rise in demand for supply chain professionals results from technological advancements and globalization. To cater for this shortage, companies must increase their efforts to recruit skilled and qualified professionals. One major challenge facing the recruitment of the highly-talented millennials into the supply chain industry is the negative perception and lack of adequate information about the industry. So, why should a millennial consider a position in the supply chain in the first place?

The Supply Chain Industry is the perfect place for learning, development and personal growth

The current supply chain industry is being dramatically transformed by technology, automation, and digitalization. Thriving manufacturing companies often possess a mix of strategic thinkers and problem solvers to handle their increasingly complex and new supply chain operations. Fortunately, most millennials tend to be tech-savvy, creative thinkers and strategic planners. If you are a millennial looking for a perfect job with multiple possibilities for new experiences and growth, the supply chain industry is the right place for you.

Advancement Opportunities

As the baby boomer generation exits from the supply chain industry as a result of retirement and other age-related issues, there is a great need for millennials to fill the gap that is being created. That means lots of opportunity for reaching the executive levels. If you are a millennial with a desire to become a great leader or manager in any industry, the supply chain environment has a position for you.

What most millennials fail to realize is that the supply chain industry has a lot of opportunities for personal growth, advancement and long-term success compared to almost any other industry. Through job rotations and scholarships, millennials can get valuable exposure and job experience about every part of the supply chain including sales, procurement, logistics, operations and much more. Understanding different parts of the supply chain environment expand their visions and dreams, setting them up for more vital roles in the management of the supply chain industry.

It Gives a Sense of Purpose

A majority of supply chain businesses are not only focused on improving themselves but also helping to improve the society. For instance, lowering the CO2 levels for every shipping is one of the important metrics or KPIs for any logistic company. If your passion is to make the world a better place or to conserve the environment, a position in the supply chain industry might be the right bet for you.

Flexible Working Terms and Ample Benefits

Increasing number of supply chain businesses offer flexible working terms, for instance, working from home several days in a week to promote work-life balance. Also, additional benefits like overtime payments besides the usual salary, housing, health, and retirement benefits and such are not unusual. These attractive working conditions have made the supply chain industry ideal for most millennials who cherish flexible working terms and lucrative benefits to appreciate their efforts.

Most millennials born between 1986 to the mid-1990s do not fully understand what supply chain entails. The truth is, the current supply chain industry requires tech-savvy employees with multiple skills to effectively tackle the high number of challenges facing the industry. Most experienced and seasoned supply chain workers are leaving the workforce due to retirement and other age-related issues. Thus, opportunities are endless for the talented, creative, vibrant, and tech-savvy millennials to join the supply chain industry.