It’s no secret there’s a truck driver shortage in the U.S. with 300,000 leaving the profession each year. To find the best Truck Drivers, you need recruitment strategies that will attract quality candidates, keeping you ahead of the competition!  When recruiting drivers, understand the type of driver you need, how and where to post an effective ad and how to select the best candidates. Follow these easy steps for success.  

Understand Your Needs

The first step in hiring a Truck Driver is understanding your needs. There are various types of drivers, each driving a different type of truck which is specialized for a number of uses.  There are also different types of licenses and specific regulations to follow depending on the state in which you are licensed.  Make certain proper paperwork is in place and check with your insurance company to ensure you have the right coverages. 

Job Ads/Company Website/Social Media

Recruiting a Truck Driver through online ads, social media, and your local employment office are just a few of the ways to secure drivers.  It’s inexpensive to post an online job ad and a great way to attract quality candidates.  Your company website can also be a great source of information for drivers looking for employment.  Consider social media ads and target your area of need.  With nearly seven-in-ten Americans using social media, the number of people you can reach is endless. 

Select Qualified Candidates

After compiling resumes and applications, determine those you want to select for an interview. You want drivers who are reliable and have a good work history. Always call references and look for related experience.  Selecting safety conscious drivers is also important when recruiting.  With so many commercial vehicles on the road, safety is essential in the trucking industry.  One of the most important requirements to maintain safe travel is drug and alcohol testing for drivers.  Always make safety a priority.  

Be Flexible

In the current job market for Truck Drivers, there are more jobs open than there are candidates to fill them. Being flexible with health benefits, vacation time, and salary are all things to consider.  Many drivers might also want to be home on weekends as much as possible. Additional benefits may need to be considered such as signing bonuses, safety/performance bonuses and flexible work schedules.   

How to Hire Truck Drivers

There are several things you must do when hiring.  Understand your needs and post job ads through proper and appropriate channels.  Take your time in selecting candidates and remember to be flexible.  Hiring Truck Drivers can be a tough process, but careful selection will help ensure your success.

Contact us today for more information on how to hire qualified drivers.  Making the right choices will help ensure your success!