Cold calling can be an effective sales strategy in lead generation and prospecting. According to the RAIN Group Center for Sales Research, 49% of buyers prefer a phone call as their first point of contact, which is second in preference to email.  Cold calling is not dead! While not always enjoyable, gaining new customers is essential to an Independent Freight Agent’s continued success.


How To Stay Motivated 

On average it takes six attempts to gain a sale, according to marketing group Velocify.  Six.  This means rejection is part of the process.  How does a Freight Agent stay motivated to continue on with rejection after rejection?  Here are 6 tips.


1. List 3 Things You Are Grateful For

This isn’t just a cliche, it is based on scientific research, such as these studies from Harvard. People who list gratitudes daily, consistently prove to be happier. The brain can be trained toward positivity and motivation, but it is a continual practice. If you feel frustrated after a cold call, take a moment to breathe and intentionally list three things you are grateful for. Say them out loud or start a journal.  Try it…see what happens!


2.  Adjust Your Physiology 

Your attitude is reflected on the phone, so be in tune with yourself.  Improve your attitude by improving your physiology. How? Smile, stand up, move your body, stretch, take three deep breaths, sit back down, sit up straight, and keep smiling.  Changing your physiology will put you in a better frame of mind to move forward with power!


3. Visualize Success

What you focus on will manifest itself in your call.  Sit up straight, close your eyes, and think about a time you were happy.  Keep thinking about it in more detail reminding yourself: “I am successful!” The stronger you can create the image and build the emotions, the more effective this will be.


4.  Do A Brain Dump

Sometimes things take on a larger importance than they should in our thoughts.  Writing your thoughts down can help. Set a timer, grab a pencil, and dump those thoughts.  Write down how you feel, what you wish was different, and any thought that comes up. When the timer stops, let all those thoughts go.  If you struggle to let them go, go back to tip 1 and list your gratitudes.


5. Celebrate Your Wins

Learning how to stay positive in the midst of rejection as a Freight Agent is crucial.  How? Celebrate wins! Look back and remind yourself how far you’ve come. List things that have gone right, no matter how big or small.  What has gone right today? This week? This month? The past year? The past 5 years? You have grown and changed. Everything is not going wrong.  Celebrate! Go back to this list when your motivation needs a boost.


6. See Rejection as Redirection

Freight Agents must be prepared to deal with rejection. You may be rejected from something good only to be redirected to something better.  Don’t give up! Remember this: rejection is part of the process of growth. Your latest rejection is one step closer to the next success for your Freight Agent business.  If you struggle to remember this, write it down and post it where you can see it each day.


Moving Forward

Whether you have just faced another rejection or you are feeling victorious, keep taking the next step forward.  Stay motivated by listing gratitudes, adjusting your physiology, visualizing success, doing a brain dump, celebrating your wins and seeing rejection as redirection.  If you have another tip that works well for you, please leave a comment below!

Are you an Independent Freight Agent interested in working with Kopf?  LEARN MORE – or – contact Jeanie today at 574.349.5600.