Truck Stops: Three of America’s Best

Truck Stops: Three of America’s Best

When you’re on the road for hours or days at a time, it’s helpful to stop at a place you can consider a home away from home for a while.  There are numerous truck stops across the United States that do have top-quality amenities for weary drivers. From private showers...
Healthy Eating On The Road: 4 Driver Tips

Healthy Eating On The Road: 4 Driver Tips

Truck Drivers are twice as likely as other workers to be obese according to a study from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.  Overall, obesity is considered one of the biggest health risks for Truckers, putting them at risk of developing...
Best Truck Driver Pets

Best Truck Driver Pets

“Baby” and Kopf Driver Mike S. making another successful freight delivery! Loneliness on the road is a legitimate struggle for many Truckers.  Approximately 40% of Truck Drivers travel with pets.  This statistic is not surprising given pets promote increased...
Truck Driver Fitness On The Road

Truck Driver Fitness On The Road

Truck driver fitness is challenging. Sitting for hours at a time, eating convenience food, loneliness, lack of physical activity, and less than 6 hours of sleep, are the norm for many drivers.  According to the CDC, truck drivers have a drastically higher rate of...
How Drivers Stay Connected With Family

How Drivers Stay Connected With Family

Being on the road can take its toll on the average driver, but as a truck driver, being away from friends and family for days at a time can hurt. Thanks to technology, and a bit of creativity, there are many ways to stay connected with family on the road! 1. FaceTime...