Whether you’re considering a career as a Truck Driver or have had your CDL for some time, it’s important to stay safe on the road. The way you operate your truck not only affects your safety and well-being but that of all other motorists in your path.

Driving a truck is a major responsibility. From making on-time deliveries, taking time away from family, and staying safe on the road, there’s a lot on your plate. We want to make your job a bit easier by providing a few safety tips before making your next trip.

Keep reading for the best driving tips for Truck Drivers.

Don’t Risk Driving While Drowsy

Some Drivers get paid based on how many miles they cover per day. Others are limited on how much they drive per day to reduce the number of accidents caused by falling asleep behind the wheel.

No matter how your company operates, one of the most important safety tips is to avoid driving a truck while drowsy. If you’re starting to feel tired, pull over and take a quick break. Get out and stretch your legs, do pushups, or take a short nap.

Here are some other tips on how to stay awake behind the wheel.

Limit Your Distractions

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of accidents, causing eight deaths per day in the US. Distracted driving includes:

  • Talking on the phone
  • Texting
  • Reading
  • Eating
  • Roadside distractions
  • Changing the music
  • Etc.

One thing you might not know about Truck Drivers is the majority of them have pets. The road can be a lonely place and a cat or dog can make a significant improvement to your mental health.

However, pets can also serve as a big distraction. Make certain they are safely restrained while you’re driving a truck.

Give Other Motorists Plenty of Room

For people who have never gotten behind the wheel of a big rig, it’s difficult to grasp the challenge of driving a truck. They don’t understand the amount of time it takes to stop or how much control is required to change lanes, turn, or make quick maneuvers.

As such, staying safe on the road often means giving other motorists extra space. Maintain a decent following distance to give yourself plenty of time to react if they hit the brakes. They can and will stop much faster than you.

Adjust to Inclement Weather and Poor Road Conditions

Finally, as a Truck Driver, it’s especially important for you to pay attention to the weather. Rain, snow, fog, and wind create challenging road conditions. When driving a truck, you need to alter your habits to account for slick roads, high winds, and low visibility.

Drive slower and more cautiously. Try not to hit the brakes suddenly or aggressively. In some cases, it might be better to pull over and wait for conditions to improve.

Are You Considering Driving a Truck for a Living?

Are you thinking about starting a career in truck driving? Do you know how to drive a commercial vehicle safely?

We hope this article provided some valuable safety tips to help you progress with your career and your goals. If you’re looking for more information on driving a truck, we have more to offer. Check out some of our other articles before you go.

And, if you’re ready to get proactive with your truck driving career, let’s talk about how you can get started with our company.