Communication Mistakes Freight Agents Make

Communication Mistakes Freight Agents Make

Poor communication is one of the primary reasons Freight Agents lose customers. Are you making communication mistakes? Do you recognize the importance of communication?  There is good news! Mistakes foster growth opportunities.  Acknowledge your communication...
Common Mistakes Made by Freight Agents

Common Mistakes Made by Freight Agents

Freight Agents have the sole responsibility to ensure goods and cargo are transported to the right place at the right time.  With all the responsibilities they have to manage, it is only natural that mistakes can occur.  Here are just a few of the common mistakes...
Goal Setting Tips for Freight Agents

Goal Setting Tips for Freight Agents

Do you have dreams for your family or your business? As a Freight Agent, you likely have a dream for more flexibility in your life or control over your income. If you’re more of a dreamer than a goal setter, you will benefit from setting goals.  Napoleon Hill said, ...
Best Freight Broker Cold Call Script

Best Freight Broker Cold Call Script

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the perfect freight broker cold call script? One that magically worked 100% of the time?  While we would be delighted to share such a script, it does not exist. However, our sample cold calling script combined with the best way to respond...