The transportation industry is thriving and now is the time to enter this growing field. One of the most lucrative opportunities for those looking to start a career in transportation, freight, or logistics is as an Independent Freight Agent. From working remotely to earning high commissions, it’s a career worth checking out. Let’s explore five benefits.

#1 – Minimal Start-Up Costs

It isn’t expensive to become a freight agency owner. All you’ll need is a laptop or computer, internet, and phone. That’s it. 

While those are the minimum essentials, we would also recommend you invest in training if you are completely new to the industry. At Kopf, we highly recommend this affordable program.

In addition, you will need a few essential resources. However, as a Freight Agent working under the authority of a Freight Broker, you will not need to purchase them. This is a huge benefit to Agents. As an Agent, the brokerage provides licensing and registration, surety bond, business insurance, Transportation Management System (TMS) software, and more. It’s a key difference between an Agent and Broker.

#2 – Work Remotely

A second benefit is Freight Agents can work anywhere they have strong internet access and cell phone reception. Working remotely has become an attractive benefit for many who want a flexible lifestyle. In addition to flexibility, you’ll also likely save time and expenses you would otherwise spend on things like commuting and wardrobe.

If working remotely is important to you, be sure to research Freight Brokers offering this benefit. Some brokerages have in-house Agents, others offer a hybrid option of a physical location with the ability to work remotely, and yet others are 100% remote. At Kopf, our Independent Freight Agents work remotely.

#3 – Be Your Own Boss

As an Independent Freight Agent, you are not an employee. You are a 1099 independent contractor, which means you are your own boss. For people who like autonomy and thrive without micromanagement, this is a wonderful perk. 

As your own boss, you are not required to perform to a certain set of expectations, other than the goals you set for yourself. You don’t have to waste time in unnecessary meetings because you schedule the meetings you want. And the list goes on.

#4 – Set Your Own Schedule

Another benefit Freight Agents enjoy is setting their own schedule. You can work when it’s best for you and your customers. This sets many Agents up for a better work-life balance. When you set your own schedule, you can dedicate time to your most important relationships, and plan time for what energizes you. 

It is important to note that setting your own schedule can also lead to overwork. If you’re not careful, you can work 60+ hours a week. So, you must be diligent to set a schedule and stick to it. Find a scheduling tool that works best for you and invite an accountability partner to help keep you on track.

#5 – Earn High Commissions

Lastly, one of the most popular benefits of being a Freight Agent is the potential to earn a high income. New Independent Freight Agents frequently ask how much money they can expect to earn as an agency owner. The great news is the earning potential for talented Freight Agents is truly unlimited. Financial freedom makes this career worth a closer look. 

At Kopf, our Agents earn an above-industry standard 70/30 commission split, and their earnings are not capped. We find the most highly successful agents are confident decision-makers, self-motivated, cool under pressure, and good at networking. 

Final Thoughts

There are many benefits to being an Independent Freight Agent. It is a career that is easy to get started and you can work from anywhere while enjoying being your own boss. You’ll have the freedom to set your own schedule and the potential to finally unlock financial freedom. The sky is literally the limit for Freight Agents. 

If you are interested in becoming an Independent Freight Agent for Kopf, get recruited today! Apply here or give us a call at 574.349.5600.